Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The past few days have been a veritable shit storm of change.  All of it rather unexpected, and none of it wonderful for us.  As previously reported, we were informed about, and shortly thereafter greeted with, a new roommate on Friday.  Yesterday, we learned that we would be receiving yet another roommate just a few hours before it happened.  Both are here for the summer as our hog management interns.

Kate and I were not excited for the change.  We had been promised that such a thing would not happen and that at most, we would have one more person living with us.  Now we have two.  We've been forced to move all of our things around to accommodate the hunters.  We've also been put out in several ways.  The largest, and most disturbing to us, is that we now do not have any room at the house for guests.  We've been told we can still have guests, if we plan it far enough in advance to utilize the other house.  Spontaneous weekend visits from friends however, is out...

Now don't get us wrong, we have nothing against our new roomies, Josh and Cody.  Both are real nice guys and they seem willing and able to work together with us to maintain a happy home.  Still, Kate and I have most definitely lost much of the enthusiasm we had about being here.  We were really happy in our routine of working all morning, coming home to relax, working again all afternoon, and then finally resting at night.  In the past couple days, when we've come home to relax, we've been interrupted by the ongoings of others.  I guess we don't really like change.  There is a constant stress now about sharing common supplies, like ice, laundry soap, the living room, bathrooms, etc.  Really there are no big problems, but the added mental and emotional effort that must be applied to all kinds of little things that previously needed no attention at all has already started to wear us down.

I'm even disappointed in the fact that I'm writing this entry, as most of our blogs have been very upbeat.  Unfortunately, things have taken a serious down turn.  The situation we've unexpectedly been put in, has had us both stressing, trying to find a non-existent solution.  We've been at each other a bit, since we have no one else to direct our frustration with.  Once again, we're angry that our marriage has been used against us (This house had two bedrooms allocated for turtle people, but since we're a couple, the powers that be have taken our other room away).

I'm hoping that there is just an adjustment period we must pass through, and that afterward, things will be well again.  I guess it all depends on Josh and Cody, and whether we can co-exist well together.