Friday, June 3, 2011

We're Killin' It.

As of today, Ossabaw has reached, and surpassed 100 nests.  Whew.  (Ossabaw is the only orange dot!)  To give you better reference for how great our numbers are, this day last year we had 39 nests, and that was a good year.

Image captured June 3rd, 2011.

On the 31st we had no new nests, and were afraid that the nesting boom had ended.  There have been years where the turtles nest like crazy in May only to dwindle.  Now, however, we are optimistic they will help Ossabaw reach a new record.  On the first, we had 9 nests, yesterday 9 nests, and today 8 nests.  We didn't experience anything close to this last year.

Ossabaw is still holding the lead with the most nests in the state, currently 22 more than the next highest island, Cumberland.  Something must be happening in the waters offshore to encourage their nesting here, and we like it.  Keep your fingers crossed they stay around.

Graphs captured June 3rd, 2011.

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